Personal Stories
Daddy Stovepipe and Mississippi Sarah
Category: Artist Time period: Pre-WWII
Date nominated: Apr 9, 2010 Ratings: 13 Average rating: 3.75
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What do you get when you cross a one-man-band with a woman who plays jug? Daddy Stovepipe sang and played guitar and harmonica on a rack, while his wife, Mississippi Sarah, sang and played jug -- probably the only female jug player recorded in the pre-WWII era. After Sarah's death in 1937, "Daddy" continued performing alone, including as a busker on Maxwell Street in Chicago. Daddy Stovepipe is not to be confused with Stovepipe No. 1, who actually played stovepipe (in the same manner as one plays the jug) for King David's Jug Band. This stovepipe nickname derived from the performer wearing a stovepipe hat.